CR2032 coin cell to two AA batteries adapter
18.5x longer life span

Due to the small size of the CR2032, they don’t contain so much power as AA batteries.
There is a way to replace a small CR2032 battery with two high capacity AA batteries for a much longer (18.5x) life span for your sensors.
How it works: A single CR2032 is 3V, two AA batteries in series are comparable, 2.4 - 3V (depending on the battery model).
- Place two (rechargeable) AA batteries in a case with a female USB port.
- Connect the male USB cable from CR2032-to-USB adapter (aka battery eliminator).
- Place the other end, with the fake CR2032 battery, in the sensor. Probably you can’t close the cover of the sensor anymore without making a hole in it to guide the wire outside.
The amount of ampere is now increased to 4200mAh compared to 225mAh.
That’s 18.5x more than the single coin cell was!
Yes, you have a big box attached to your sensor now,
but when you use it for already hidden (temperature/contact/..) sensors, this is not a problem, right?
To create this: you need these three items, plug them together, and you’re done:
A dummy CR2032 to USB adapter (AliExpress) (AliExpress) or (AmazonUS)
A USB battery case for TWO AA batteries (AliExpress) (AliExpress) or (AmazonUS)
(At least) two (Eneloop) AA batteries (AliExpress) (AliExpress) or (AmazonUS)
The result:
Still portable, but now with much longer battery life!
And not buying new CR2032 batteries, just recharge the AA batteries and the sensor can do their job again for years!
See also my Zigbee - Best Buy Tips for battery powered Zigbee sensors.
And my Batteries - Best Buy Tips page.