vd Brink Home Automations

Home automations: Home Assistant, ESPHome, Node-RED and more.

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Automate infrared devices

In Home Assistant


With an infrared transmitter and receiver device, you can automate all your infrared controlled devices!

There are a lot of devices that have a remote which works via infrared. Like a TV, air conditioner, (ceiling) fans, fireplace, screens, lights and electric candles. The signal of an infrared remote has no encryption and is always the same. This makes it easy to capture, store and resend the signal.

ceiling fan with remote candles fireplace with remote candles light curtains

Read further how you can create buttons, on your Home Assistant dashboard, to control your infrared devices.

Home Assistant button card

NOTE: Also affiliate links are used on this page. You sponsor my work and still pay the original price.


In this video, you see the device in action. I can control the lights via the original remote and also from my Home Assistant dashboard.

Smart infrared transmitter / receiver

infrared remote control I used for this project the Zigbee IR remote control - Moes (AliExpress) | UFO-R11 With this small black box, powered on batteries, you can control any infrared device.

An infrared sender needs to be in a direct line with the receiver. If you have more devices you want to control, it can be that you need multiple smart devices to control them all.

There are also similar WiFi versions available of this device.

purposes curtains

You can set the device in learning mode to copy signals and store the signal on the device.
When you trigger the device with a code, it sends the stored signals but now from this box. You can save a lot of signals on this box, each button on a remote and that for multiple remotes.

I used this solution also for my Christmas paper star, see my dedicated page about my automated Christmas lights and decorations.

Learning mode

There are multiple ways to set the device in learning mode to receive the IR codes: via the Zigbee2MQTT frontend, for example.
This device is also compatible with ZHA then you can set it also via a messages on a MQTT topic to learning mode.

Option 1: via Zigbee2MQTT

If the device is paired with Zigbee2MQTT, you can go to the frontend and in the Exposes tab you can enable the learning mode.
When you point the original remote to the device, and press a single button, the code will be visible in the second row.
You can test the code by copy it to the input field and press the Enter key, the device sends now the cloned signal.

learn IR codes in Z2M

Option 2: via MQTT

It’s also possible via MQTT.

To learn a new signal, set the device in learning mode by sending this payload to the MQTT topic of the device zigbee2mqtt/irremote/set

  "learn_ir_code": "ON" 

Now a LED light turned on in front of the device.
Now you can hold the original remote in front of the device and press a single button.

The response is sent to the MQTT topic zigbee2mqtt/irremote and contains the infrared code. You need this code to resend the signal via this same device.

  "battery" : 11,
  "last_seen" : "2024-11-03T09:21:03.343Z",
  "learn_ir_code" : null,
  "learned_ir_code" : "Bb8jphFIAuAXAQF9BuAVA0ABwCPgAwFAE0ABwAdAAUALwANAAUALCcqdvyPBCEgC///gAgcCCEgC",
  "linkquality" : 43,
  "voltage" : 1200

Resend signal

To resend the signal, send on the MQTT topic zigbee2mqtt/irremote/set this payload to resend the same signal as sent from the original remote.

Make sure your signal is in line with the device because the infrared signal is an invisible light beam. My experience is that the signal can control devices still in a range of 5 meters. Because it works on batteries your free to position the device.

  "ir_code_to_send": "Bb8jphFIAuAXAQF9BuAVA0ABwCPgAwFAE0ABwAdAAUALwANAAUALCcqdvyPBCEgC///gAgcCCEgC"

If all goes well, the device now also reacts on your box!

Now you can add also other buttons from the remote to the box and clone the signals of other remotes as well.

Now the fun continues to automation the commands! Turn the candles/fireplace on when you enter the room in the evening or whatever scenario you can think of! Enjoy home automation!

Home Assistant

From Home Assistant, you can create buttons on your dashboard and send a MQTT events with a specific copied IR signal to the IR device topic.

Home Assistant button send MQTT event

# Sourcecode by vdbrink.github.io
# Dashboard button card code
show_name: true
show_icon: true
type: button
  action: perform-action
  perform_action: mqtt.publish
    topic: zigbee2mqtt/irremote/set
    payload: >-
name: Turn on
icon: mdi:candle

You can also create a script which contains the MQTT event and call this script from an automation.
For readability, I place it here direct on the dashboard as action for a button.

Home Assistant button card


These hardware devices are examples of what you need and can use in your own infrared automations.

Infrared transmitter / receiver

Infrared controlled devices

As mentioned in the introduction, there are a lot of devices that can be controlled via infrared. Here are some links to products which all work via infrared, and can be controlled via the above mentioned infrared transmitter / receiver.


Light curtains

Tea lights


Also, some Christmas decorations have an infrared remote, see my dedicated page how I used this project for it.

Physical stores

Where do you use the infrared transmitter / receiver for in your smart home?

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