vd Brink Home Automations

Home automations: Home Assistant, ESPHome, Node-RED and more.

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Home Assistant dashboard: Useful HACS custom elements

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Here you find Home Assistant (lovelace) dashboard custom elements which are default not available in Home Assistant, but which you can add to your dashboard.

Table of Contents

Swipe Navigation

Swipe to left/right to switch to the side lovelace dashboard on your mobile device.

Repo: https://github.com/zanna-37/hass-swipe-navigation

Install it via this button Open your Home Assistant instance and show the add-on store.


Dynamically show entities based on a variance of sorting and filtering.

Example: Show all temperature entities, sorted on temperature, round on no decimals and colored based on the temperature.

Temperatures rounded, sorted and colored

Repo: https://github.com/thomasloven/lovelace-auto-entities

Install it via this button Open your Home Assistant instance and show the add-on store.

I have a dedicate page with examples and a dashboard with chores based on this custom element.

# Sourcecode by vdbrink.github.io
# Dashboard card code
type: custom:auto-entities
  type: entities
  show_header_toggle: false
  state_color: false
  title: Temperature
    - entity_id: sensor.temp*.temperature
        type: custom:template-entity-row
        state: |
          {{ states(config.entity)|round(0)}} °C
        style: |
          :host {
             {% set level = states(config.entity)|round(0) %}
             {% if level >= 26 %} firebrick
             {% elif level >= 25 %} orange
             {% elif level < 10 %} blue
             {% else %} var(--primary-text-color)
             {% endif %} 
show_empty: false
  method: state
  reverse: true
  numeric: true


With the mushroom element, you can add small elements on top of your dashboard.
Only a colored icon or also with a state value.
You can also show them only for a specific state. Like rain expected, CO2 level is incorrect, temperature not right, nice weather to sit outside etc.


mushroom examples mushroom examples mushroom examples

Repo: https://github.com/piitaya/lovelace-mushroom

Install it via this button Open your Home Assistant instance and show the add-on store.

My dedicated page about the Mushroom element >>

card-mod 3 (lovelace-card-mod)

Add custom CSS styling to your dashboard.

Example: Colored icon based on entity state.

Colored icon

I have a styling page with multiple examples based on this custom element.

Repo: https://github.com/thomasloven/lovelace-card-mod

Install it via this button Open your Home Assistant instance and show the add-on store.

# Sourcecode by vdbrink.github.io
# Dashboard card code
type: entities
  - entity: sensor.knmi_weercode
      action: url
      url_path: https://www.knmi.nl/nederland-nu/weer/waarschuwingen/
      style: |
        :host {
          {% if is_state('sensor.knmi_weercode', 'Code groen') %}
          {% elif is_state('sensor.knmi_weercode', 'Code rood') %}
          {% elif is_state('sensor.knmi_weercode', 'Code geel') %}
          {% elif is_state('sensor.knmi_weercode', 'Code oranje') %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}


Add a slider for brightness, volume, cover position, speed, number, etc.

slider-entity-row Repo: https://github.com/thomasloven/lovelace-slider-entity-row

Install it via this button Open your Home Assistant instance and show the add-on store.

# Sourcecode by vdbrink.github.io
# Dashboard card code
type: custom:slider-entity-row
entity: light.group_light1
toggle: true


Place multiple entities compact together on a single row.


Repo: https://github.com/benct/lovelace-multiple-entity-row

Install it via this button Open your Home Assistant instance and show the add-on store.


Customize a single row for an entities.

In this example, a rounded temperature with a colored, based on the temperature, icon.


Repo: https://github.com/thomasloven/lovelace-template-entity-row

Install it via this button Open your Home Assistant instance and show the add-on store.

# Sourcecode by vdbrink.github.io
# Dashboard card code
type: entities
  - entity: sensor.temp1_temperature
    type: custom:template-entity-row
    state: |
      {{ states(config.entity)|round(0)}} °C
    style: |
      :host {
         {% set level = states(config.entity)|round(0) %}
         {% if level >= 30 %} firebrick
         {% elif level >= 25 %} orange
         {% elif level < 10 %} blue
         {% else %} var(--primary-text-color)
         {% endif %} 
       .state {
         {% set level = states(config.entity)|round(0) %}
         {% if level >= 30 %} firebrick
         {% elif level >= 25 %} orange
         {% elif level < 10 %} blue
         {% else %} var(--primary-text-color)
         {% endif %} 

Atomic Calendar Revive

A Google calendar overview.

Atomic Calendar Revive

Repo: https://github.com/totaldebug/atomic-calendar-revive#about-the-project

Install it via this button Open your Home Assistant instance and show the add-on store.


A birthday and wedding day overview.


Repo: https://github.com/erlsta/homeassistant-lovelace-birthday-reminder-card

Install it via this button Open your Home Assistant instance and show the add-on store.

To add your own dates, you need to dive into your installation files to edit the birthday-reminder-card.js file. You can find the file in the www folder of your Home Assistant installation.

# Sourcecode by vdbrink.github.io
# Dashboard card code
type: custom:birthday-card
title: "Birthdays"
numberofdays: 30

Clock Weather Card

A clock and weather forecast in one card.

Clock Weather Card

Repo: https://github.com/pkissling/clock-weather-card

Install it via this button Open your Home Assistant instance and show the add-on store.

You can also minimize the card to only show the weather forecast. My Clock Weather Card

# Sourcecode by vdbrink.github.io
# Dashboard card code
type: custom:clock-weather-card
entity: weather.forecast_home
forecast_days: 5
locale: nl
time_format: 24
hide_clock: true
date_pattern: ''
hide_today_section: true
hide_forecast_section: false

BeardedTinker also made a YouTube video about this card. Clock Weather Card HA installation

Lovelace animated weather card

Current weather conditions and the predictions for the coming days.

Lovelace animated weather card

Repo: https://github.com/bramkragten/weather-card

Install it via this button Open your Home Assistant instance and show the add-on store.

# Sourcecode by vdbrink.github.io
# Dashboard card code
type: custom:weather-card
entity: weather.yourweatherentity
current: true
details: false
forecast: true
hourly_forecast: false
number_of_forecasts: 5

Neerslag App

Show expected rain from the possible Dutch sources Buienalarm and Buienradar.

Neerslag App

Repo: https://github.com/aex351/home-assistant-neerslag-app

Install it via this button Open your Home Assistant instance and show the add-on store.

# Sourcecode by vdbrink.github.io
# Dashboard card code
type: custom:neerslag-card
title: Neerslag
- sensor.neerslag_buienalarm_regen_data
- sensor.neerslag_buienradar_regen_data

<< See also my other Home Assistant tips and tricks

Custom element: Auto-entities >>

Dashboard card: Mushroom >>

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