vd Brink Home Automations

Home automations: Home Assistant, ESPHome, Node-RED and more.

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vd Brink Home Automations


Welcome to my blog about Home Automations.

You find here examples from my automations, which you can use in your own projects.


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Hi, since I was a little kid, I was always interested in home automation and years later still it’s my passion to automate my home!

With the introduction of the ESP boards, with wifi support, it all became easier to create your own sensors. Manufactures started to create products which are now more affordable and easier to connect to each other. Software projects, Like Zigbee2MQTT, Home Assistant and Node-RED, popped up, and more users adopted these projects and so did I. With this as your base, you can connect hardware devices together and let them work together via software, the possibilities are endless.


It started with activate the light based on the darkness, get notifications when you got (snail)mail or the washing machine is ready. For most projects, it starts with an idea of something I want to automate.
Then I start to look for similar projects on all kinds of sources, search the internet, follow forums and groups. I also get inspired by others with new ideas which I can use for my own setup.

Here you can find examples and configurations which I created and gathered over the years. I want to share and inspire other people, so they can improve their own home automation projects.

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