vd Brink Home Automations

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Home Assistant dashboard: Floor plan

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Here you can find information about how you can create your own interactive floor plan.

Table of Contents


The possibility of creating an interactive floor plan was for me the reason to start with Home Assistant.
Before Home Assistant, I used an app to control some lights and see the temperatures and running Node-RED to automate stuff. After I added more and more sensors to my network, it wasn’t possible to get a quick overview anymore.

To solve that, I was looking for a solution and I found some videos about the floor plan possibilities in Home Assistant. In a floor plan, you can add a lot of information on what’s happening in each room with icons, colors and overlays. This gives you a quick overview around the house, so I started creating my own interactive floor plan.

An example of how it could look like:

floor plan example

Before you start: be aware, this takes a lot of time to create it.
But it’s worth it!

Get inspired

Before you start, take a look at what other people created as a floor plan and find the one that you like the most, use this one as an example.

Here are some sites where you can find such examples:


If you already have a digital version of your floor plans, you can use those (initially).

There are two commonly used applications to create a floor plan.



Floorplanner.com is a free online tool to create a 3D model of your house. It’s easy to use and without any costs you already have a lot of furniture available. This is also the tool I used for my floor plan.

  • You can use it everywhere because it’s online
  • No installation required

Sweet Home 3D

Sweet Home 3D

Sweet Home 3D is an application you need to install on your pc. It’s available for all desktop platforms.

  • You have your own data locally
  • It has realistic light effects which you can use as overlay

With this Home Assistant Floor Plan Generator Plugin you can export images direct in a format which you can directly use in Home Assistant.

Creating your floor plan

When you’ve chosen an application, you can start.
The first step is to create a raw digital map of your house. This can be done by drawing the walls, doors and windows. You can already start using this in your interactive floor plan.

It’s always possible to create a fancier floor plan with the actual wall colors, floor types and furniture in it. But this takes a lot of time, but it’s worth it. Ones you did it your can be proud of yourself and love it every time you use it!

Steps to take:

  • Get online inspiration how you want it to look like.
  • The best way to start is to get all the official sizes of each room.
  • Then draw all the walls and place the doors and windows in it.
  • Then add the furniture to each room.
  • Then, as an addition, you can add floors and wall colors.
  • Now you can start adding the digital information
    • Start with the light icons
    • Add labels like room temperature

Make it interactive

Your floor plan will be a layered model with the raw floor plan as base, then a layer with entities and on top of it overlays.

Floor plan images

The first, bottom layer is the static image of your floor plan.

Use the picture card element and upload the image to the www (a.k.a. /local/) directory of Home Assistant.

base floor plan image

# Sourcecode by vdbrink.github.io
# Dashboard card code
type: picture-elements
image: /local/base.png


With overlays, you can darken a room to indicate no one is there, or no lights are on.

overlay on     overlay off

If you use rooms in your floor plan, and have all 90-degree angles, you can use a single small black square image to create the semi-transparent overlay. With the settings, you can scale it to every size. By changing the style and aspect_ratio values.

In this example, I have a smart plug as entity for the overlay. When the plug has the state on it’s full transparent and off it’s 75% transparent. Then you still see all the elements but with a dark layer over the room.

The tap_action is here disabled. You can also choose to control the switch by clicking on the icon.

Sometimes you need to create a binary helper sensor to indicate when the layer must be active. When the lux value is higher than value X.

> Click here to see an example of a binary helper sensor >>

# Sourcecode by vdbrink.github.io
# configuration.yaml
  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "overlay x"
        value_template: >-
          {% if is_state('sensor.motion_illuminance_lux', 1) > 5 %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}

Overlay based on a smart plug status.

# Sourcecode by vdbrink.github.io
# Dashboard card code
- type: image
  entity: binary_sensor.overlay_x
  title: overlay
    action: none
  image: /local/black.png
  aspect_ratio: 10x8.1
    top: 54%
    left: 49%
    width: 48%
    height: 2%
    'on': opacity(0%)
    'off': opacity(75%)

Entity icons

Entity icons (state-icon) show the icon of an entity.
By default, when you click on it is toggles, or you see the details.

Entity icons

# Dashboard card code
- type: state-icon
  title: motion
  entity: binary_sensor.motion_occupancy
    top: 34%
    left: 47%

Entity labels

Entity labels (state-label) show the text value of an entity.

To format a temperature, see here

Entity labels

# Dashboard card code
- type: state-label
  title: temp at room X
  entity: sensor.temp_temperature_rounded
    top: 6%
    left: 45%
    width: 10px
    text-align: left
    font-size: 0.8em
    font-weight: bold
    color: '#FFF'

Click, Double-click and Long-press actions

With click actions (tap_action), double-click (double_tap_action) and long-press (hold_action), or you can ignore it (none), toggle (toggle) the status, navigate to another card (navigate), show more info in a popup (more-info) or call a script (call-service).

Click: No action

  action: none

Click: Toggle status (default)

  action: toggle

Click: Navigate to another card

  action: navigate
  navigation_path: /lovelace/weather

Click: More info

  action: more-info

Click: Service call

  action: call-service
  service: script.do_something

See also https://www.home-assistant.io/dashboards/actions/ for all info.


You can rotate the icons at any angle.


  top: 72%
  left: 90%
  rotate: degrees(90)

or with

- type: state-icon
  entity: binary_sensor.chair_occupied
    top: 10%
    left: 20%
    transform: rotate(180deg)

Change icons

You can override the current icon for each entity.

- type: state-icon
  icon: mdi:cctv

Change layer order

When you can’t click on an entity, you need to change the order in the list. The higher in your YAML file, the higher in the layer.

This is it from my side.
There are a lot more functionalities possible! It’s endless!

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<< See also my other Home Assistant tips and tricks

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