Home Automation Videos

There are more home automation geeks like me, luckily I’m not the only one.
I can proof it with these videos.
Here you find some English and Dutch spoken videos that inspired me how other people implement their home automation.
I hope they inspire you too!
But first, a funny video why you should not rely on a single way to control your home.
Inspiration videos
English spoken home automation videos for inspiration:
- Home tour by Home Automation Guy, UK (Home Automation Guy 2025)
- Home tour of a Home Assistant user to the extreme, US (Smart Home Solver 2024)
- Home tour on a range, US (Smart Home Solver 2023)
- Home tour at Jimmy, US (Smart Home Solver 2023)
- Home tour in Georgia, US (Smart Home Solver 2023)
- Home tour by Reed himself, US (Smart Home Solver 2023)
The whole playlist of Smart Home Tours by Smart Home Solver
Home Alone movie with a smart home
Dutch Inspiration videos
Dutch spoken videos for inspiration:
- Almere NL (Bright 2024)
- Nieuwbouw woning volledig smart maken, deel 2 (FWD Smart Living Project 2021)
- Nieuwbouw woning volledig smart maken, deel 1 (FWD Smart Living Project 2021)
- Installatie Hue en Google producten (Tweakers 2019)
- Huis van de oprichter van Tweakers (Tweakers 2017)
- Huis van de toekomst, met Chriet Titulaer (1989 - 2009)
If you know any other great videos that inspired you, let me know via a message, and I can add it also to this list!
See also my Home Automation Ideas or Zigbee Smart home - Best Buy Tips pages too.