vd Brink Home Automations

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ESPHome DIY sensors - Best Buy Tips


If you want to create your own sensors with ESPHome you need an ESP development board where you can load the software to read the sensors and send this data over the network to your home server.

If you’re afraid to solder some pins or connect the ESP to the sensor, look for some tutorials and give it a try. You can also look for ESPs and sensors with already pins, then with dupont cables you don’t need to soldering at all.

Here you find some useful links where you can buy ESPs, sensors and other tooling which can be useful for making your own DIY sensors.

I have a page where I added manuals to create your own sensors.

Table of Contents

NOTE 1: Most links on this page are hardware I also bought myself. Most of the links are affiliate links, you pay the same price AND support my blog by buying it from here.

ESP board

The brains of your own sensor. It contains the processor to run the program on, and with the WiFi module on it which can make contact with your own network.


The newer and faster ESP32 board has a dual-core processor, bluetooth, usb-c and already soldered pins.

ESP32-C3 Supermini

A really tiny ESP32 with bluetooth.


ESP32-C3 supermini (AliExpress)



ESP-32S WROOM (AliExpress)


The ESP8266 NodeMCU v3 (or comparable) is the original ESP developer board and is most cases fast enough to handle the sensor data.

ESP8266 NodeMCU v3

ESP8266 (AliExpress)

ESP D1 mini

This ESP D1 mini is also an ESP8266 variant (don’t use the pro or V3)

  • You can use any ESP chip, but I like this one because of its small size
  • The pins are not soldered on the board yet (with some practice even you can do it for sure!)
ESP D1 mini

ESP D1, link 1 (AliExpress)


Sensors are the digital senses. They can measure all different kinds of units, like temperature, humidity, light intensity, pressure, etc.

Here are some ready-to-use sensors that can be connected direct to an ESP without a challenging circuit with resistors and capacitors, etc.

Temperature and humidity sensor

Dht11 is a commonly used temperature and humidity sensor.

dht11 temperature and humidity sensor

DHT11 (AliExpress)

Air quality sensor

AGS10 TVOC air quality gas sensor.

dht11 temperature and humidity sensor

AGS10 (AliExpress)

AGS10 (AliExpress)

CO2 sensor

CO2 stands for Carbon dioxide and is measured in Parts per million (ppm). If the amount of ppms is too high for a long time, it’s not good for you’re healthy.

SenseAir S8

SenseAir S8 CO2 sensor.

Check this page how to make your own CO2 sensor with this sensor.

SenseAir S8 CO2 sensor

SenseAir S8 CO2 sensor, link 1 (AliExpress)

SenseAir S8 CO2 sensor, link 2 (AliExpress)


SCD40 or SCD41 CO2 sensor are compact CO2, humidity and temperature sensors. Both are quite similar, but the 41 has some higher accuracy and can measure a bit higher ppm values (2000 vs 5000).

Check this page how to make your own CO2 sensor with this sensor.

SCD 40 WITHOUT soldering due to a i2c cable (AliExpress) SCD 41 with soldering (AliExpress)

link 1 SCD41 WITHOUT requires soldering (AliExpress)

link 2 SCD41 which requires soldering (AliExpress)

Pressure sensor

This car seat sensor measures if there is pressure on a chair or seat. The output is just an open or a closed circuit. You can directly attach it to a contact-/water leak sensor.

pressure sensor biggest

largest version (AliExpress)

pressure sensor big

large version (AliExpress)

pressure sensor smal

smaller version (AliExpress)

Weight sensor

The HX711 Module comes with four pressure sensors which you can place under your bed to measure the pressure to see how many people are a.t.m. in the bed.

weight sensor

HX711 weight sensor, link (AliExpress)

Rain gauge sensor

Can be used, together with a contact sensor, to create your own rain gauge sensor.

rain gauge sensor

Rain gauge, link (AliExpress)

Waterproof temperature sensor

The DS18B20 sensor is one to measure temperature in wet areas like an aquarium, for example.

ds18b20 waterproof temperature sensor

DS18B20 water temp sensor, link (AliExpress)

Occupancy sensor (mmWave)

The HLK-2410C is a 24GHz occupancy sensor (a.k.a. millimeter wave sensor)

HLK-2410C 24GHz Motion sensor

HLK-2410C, link 1 (AliExpress)

Presence sensor (microwave)

The RCWL-0516 presence sensor (a.k.a. micrometer sensor)

Check this page how to make your own presence detection sensor with this sensor.

RCWL-0516 presence sensor

RCWL-0516 (AliExpress)


Micro USB power cable

USB-A to micro USB cable to power the ESP8266.

Micro USB cable
Micro USB cable (AliExpress)

USB-C power cable

USB-A to USB-C cable to power the ESP32.

USB C cable
USB-C cable (AliExpress)


5V USB adapter

5V USB power adapter to power the ESP.

5V USB power adapter

link 1 (AliExpress)

link 2 (AliExpress)

5V USB power adapter to power multiple usb devices, with fast charging and 3.1A.

5V USB power adapter

link (AliExpress)

Christmas light adapter

A 2 pins adapter without a button to select a mode, just on, for Christmas lights, 31V and 3.6W.

christmas light adapter

link (AliExpress)

USB hub

Active USB hub to power multiple USB devices.

active powered USB hub

link (AliExpress)


Dupont are cables to connect the ESP pins with sensors pins. The dupont cables are in different variants: male to male, female to male and male to female. You can also cut one end to just solder it direct to the connector.

Dupont male to male wires

link 1 (AliExpress)

link 2 (AliExpress)

  • If you order these, you can better order all three types at ones, also for any further projects.

Cable connectors

Connect two wires without soldering.

Connect two wires without soldering

Cable connectors - option 1 (AliExpress)

Connect two wires without soldering

Cable connectors - option 2 (AliExpress)

Pin heads

Pin heads to use dupont cables to connect the ESP with sensor. Only required if they are not already provided.

pin heads female

Pin head female (AliExpress)

pin heads male

Pin head male (AliExpress)


Plastic DIY Case to fix the esp board and sensor in.

DIY cases

A lot of boxes in all kind of sizes (AliExpress)

A lot of Waterproof boxes in all kind of sizes (AliExpress)


Soldering iron

I suggest this based on the reviews. I already had one. Please let me know if you advise this one or not?

soldering iron

Soldering iron (AliExpress)

Soldering kit

soldering kit

Soldering kit (AliExpress)

Soldering tin wire

soldering tin wire

Soldering tin wire (AliExpress)



Desoldering (AliExpress)


A breadboard with dupont cables and power connector to test your setup first.


Breadboard (AliExpress)

Helping hand

This helping hand can be used to hold the ESP board and sensor while soldering.

helping hand

Helping hand (AliExpress)

RTL-SDR Radio sniffer for 433 and 868 MHz

This receiver can be used to receive or snif signals send by device which uses the 433 or 868 MHz bandwidth.


link (AliExpress)

P1 cable for smart gas and energy meter

With this cable, you can read your smart meter to read the gas and energy consumption.

P1 smart meter cable

link (AliExpress)

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