vd Brink Home Automations

Home automations: Home Assistant, ESPHome, Node-RED and more.

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Home Assistant dashboard: Examples

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Here you find some random Home Assistant (lovelace) dashboard examples which you can easily add to your own dashboards.

Table of Contents

News headline (nu.nl)

Show the most important news headline.
With clickable arrows to open the news site.

News nu.nl

Get every 15 minutes the latest news headline from the new site nu.nl.

# Sourcecode by vdbrink.github.io
# configuration.yaml
- platform: scrape
  resource: https://www.nu.nl
  select: ".title.fluid:first-of-type"
  name: "nu.nl headline"
  scan_interval: 900

Use a Markdown card to present the news.

# Sourcecode by vdbrink.github.io
# Dashboard card code
 - type: markdown
        content: |
          {{ states('sensor.nu_nl_headline') }} [>>](http://nu.nl)

Create a new custom sensor: chair occupancy

By default, the contact status is inverted as preferred. With this addition to configuration.yaml you can create a new sensor that shows the correct status in your dashboard.

# Sourcecode by vdbrink.github.io
# configuration.yaml
  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "chair"
        value_template: >-
          {% if is_state('binary_sensor.contact1_contact', 'off') %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}

      icon: mdi:chair-rolling

<< See also my other Home Assistant tips and tricks

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