vd Brink Home Automations

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Node-RED Compare two temperatures

With this flow, you can compare the current state of two temperature sensors.

Node-RED flow You can download this flow here.


  • Open a window open if, in the summer, the outside temperature is lower than the inside temperature.

Explanation of each node:

  • [inject node] Every 30 minutes a trigger between 16.00 and 21.00. It’s also possible to use the ‘other temperature’ as trigger for this flow.
    • top flow [get node]* Get the current temperature in a room.
    • bottom flow [get node]* Get the current outside temperature.
    • bottom flow [trigger node] Add a delay of 1 second to force the correct order of input values for the next node.
    Send       nothing
    then       wait for
              1 seconds
    then send  the original message
  • [join node] Merge the two temperatures together as one value like “26|18”. The second value is always the outside temperature.
      Mode                              Manual
      Combine each                      msg.payload
      to create                         a String
      joined using                      [a-z] |
      Send the message:
        After a number of message parts  2
  • [function node] Calculate the difference between the two temperatures.
     var temps = msg.payload.split('|');
     var diff = Math.round(temps[0] - temps[1]);
     msg.payload = diff;
     return msg;
  • [switch node] Only continue if the difference is bigger than X degrees.
     Property  msg.payload
     > [0-9] X
  • [template node] Define the text which will be sent to inform you.
      The temperature in room X is \{\{payload\}\} degrees higher than outside
  • [debug node] This can be replaced with an output node of your choice. Like Telegram/Whatsapp/speaker/etc

* This get node is part of the additional nodes set, named node-red-contrib-zigbee2mqtt. You must install this first to used it. Via the menu > Manage Palette > Palette

Suggestions for related flows:

  • This flow can also be used for controlling a fan in the bathroom, compare humidity in the bathroom with the humidity from somewhere else in the house. During the year the humidity has different values.

Additions to this flow:

  • Use the ‘other temperature’ sensor as trigger for this flow;
  • You can also check if the window is already open, before running this flow. This can be accomplished by adding a contact sensor on the window;
  • If you use the temperature sensor as trigger then the inject node can be removed. And you need to add a filter to only send messages in a specific timeframe and limit the amount of messages.

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