Node-RED Pricewatch
Let Node-RED check on a daily basis the actual product prices on different websites for you and only send a notification when it meets your desired price.

Table of Contents
- How it works
- Flow explanation
- Flows for different sites
- Create your own prize checker
- Price Formatter examples
- Define the selector
How it works
With this flow, it downloads a whole webpage and via HTML and CSS element names it filters out only the price of the product. Then compare the price with the desired price. If this is lower, it sends a message with the product name, current price and a link to your phone as notification.

Now you only need to click on the link and order it!
Flow explanation
With this flow, you can check a website for the actual price of a product.
Explanation of each node:
[inject node] Trigger this flow every day at 12.00.
Repeat at a specific time at 12.00 on (Check all the days to check)
[http request node] Download the webpage.
Method GET URL (the full url of the webpage)
Output msg.payload:
<html><head>...<div id="price">20,95</div>...</head></html>
Sometimes you can try the other options if there is no data as output of this node.
[html node] This node filters away all data to only return the actual price on the page. This Selector is different on each page and the hardest part to find.
See CSS Selector how you can define your own required Selector.Property msg.payload Selector #price Output only the text content of the elements as a single message containing an array in msg.payload
Output msg.payload:
[change node] Extract the price to a real number (no cents are used).
Set msg.payload to the value [expression] $number((payload.$split(',')[0]))
Output msg.payload:
See Price formatter examples how you can convert a text to extract only the raw price.
[switch node] Compare the raw price with your desired price.
Property msg.payload '<=' [number] 20
Is your input price smaller or equal (
) then your desired price (for example20
) then the flow continues otherwise it stops here.Output msg.payload:
[template node] Create a notification message text.
Property msg.payload Template The fabric softener is on sale! Current price
Output msg.payload:
The fabric softener is on sale! Current price 20
- [delay node] Only send a notification once per 3 days.
The output msg.payload is still the same.Action Rate Limit All messages Rate 1 [msg(s) per] 3 [Days] Drop intermediate messages
- [delay node] Only send a notification once per 3 days.
[debug node] Gets only the message when the product has the desired price. This node should be replaced and connected with your own configured notification app.
This is how this message looks like in Telegram.

Flows for different sites
Here I defined the Selectors
and Price formatter
node values for some sites.
I also add an example flow for each site.
In the examples, I used high prices to trigger the notification. /
NOTE: I have problems getting the content of this page. Please let me know if you have a solution for this.
Selector: .a-price-whole
Price formatter: $number(payload.$split('<')[0])
Selector: #corePrice_feature_div > div > div > span.a-price.aok-align-center > span:nth-child(2) > span.a-price-whole
Price formatter: $number(payload.$split(',')[0])
Download an example flow.
Selector: .buy-block .promo-price
Price formatter: $number((payload.$split('\n')[0]))
Download a example flow.
Selector: ._price_n1pwc_7
Price formatter: $number((payload[0].$split(',')[0]))
Download an iBood example flow.
Selector: .pricebadge__new-price-decimal
Price formatter: $number(payload[0])
Download a Kruidvat example flow
NOTE: If they change their site structure, this will break. Let me know here if one is broken, then I can fix it.
Create your own prize checker
– does the page work with the http request node?
The HTML node uses CSS4 and/or jQuery to grab the correct CSS element. The CSS name is normally used to style the element on the page with size, color, etc.
Price Formatter examples
What you need is the raw price, without decimals, and as number. Only with this value you can compare the price if it matches your desired price.
With new lines
The price is spread over multiple lines.
Convert the values by putting each value in a new array element after each new line (\n
Then only use the data in the first element ([0]
Then convert the value from a string to a number ($number()
Other format?
Panic? If the above examples don’t match your format, Google for it to find out how you can extract the price. That’s also how I find mine! Let me know if you have some additions, then I can add those here.
Define the selector
These steps are needed to take to get the selector value to get the price:
- Go to the page
- Click on the button Fetch URL
- Fill in the url to try
- Click on the button Fetch. Now the whole page source is loaded
<< See also my other Node-RED pages