vd Brink Home Automations

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DIY Zigbee leak sensor

Based on a Zigbee contact sensor and two wires


diy Zigbee leak sensor A have a water filter behind my kitchen closets, and I want to detect if there is any leak because you don't see it and have no easy access to it. When you find out it leaks it tool late. It never happened, but in case of a disaster happened I want to know it direct! I had no leak sensor direct available, and they were at that time quite expensive, but I still had some contact sensors lying around.

Water conducts current, so I thought I could also create from a contact sensor a leak sensor with just a small modification, and so I did.

Nowadays, these leak sensors are widely available, and you can buy them for the same price as a contact sensor, but if you want to create one based on a contact sensor it’s also possible ;)

leak sensor

Required hardware

You only need a Zigbee contact sensor and two wires:

Zigbee contact sensor

contact sensor

(Dupont) wires

Dupont male to male wires


Soldering iron

soldering iron

Soldering iron tin

soldering tin wire


Open the contact sensor. Now you see the black part, this is a reed switch. When you hold a magnet close enough to it, it will make a closed circuit.

reed switch

Use two dupont cables, remove the connectors at one end and remove for a centimeter at the end the isolation and solder them to the reed switch.

diy Zigbee leak sensor assemblage diy Zigbee leak sensor in action

<< See also my other Zigbee content

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